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Construction of ERECTA Gene Plant Expression Vector that Based on In-fusion Technology(PDF)


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Construction of ERECTA Gene Plant Expression Vector that Based on In-fusion Technology
CHEN FeifanWANG QiqiZHONG HuiliFU BingbingREN DanliLI Yuhong
(Horticulture College,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
cucumberERECTAlong-segment amplificationIn-fusionexpression vector
Taking cucumber breed of ‘Changchun Mici’ (CCMC) as material,using high fidelity polymerase,Iproof and In-fusion technology that not based on digestion to construct plant expression vector of ERECTA gene that was driven by its own promoter for discussing the function of ERECTA gene and providing technology to improve resistance inheritance in cucumber.The results showed that two segments amplified from ‘CCMC’ genome DNA were named CsgERECTA--Flag which was 8 940 bp and CsgERECTA-Poly which was 9 812 bp.Plasmid PCR,gradient segments PCR and sequencing were conducted,which showed that two pCambia3301-gERECTA plant expression vector were both constructed and transformed into Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA105.



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Last Update: 2015-10-23