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Impact Factors in Germination of Microtubers From Dioscorea opposita(PDF)


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Impact Factors in Germination of Microtubers From Dioscorea opposita
WANG Yunying1ZHANG Xiaoli123BAI Yinghao1LI Mingjun123 
(1.College of Life Sciences,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,Henan 453007;2.Engineering Technology Research Center of Nursing and Utilization of Genuine Chinese Crude Drugs,Xinxiang,Henan 453007;3.Engineering Laboratory of Green Medicinal Material Biotechnology,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,Henan 453007)
Dioscorea opposita Thunb.microtubergermination
Microtuber of Dioscorea opposita is formed from axillary bud in vitro conditions.The microtubers induced by virus-free plantlets owning all the fine characteristics of virus-free plantlets and thus can be used as rapid propagation materials of good seedling.After induction,the germination of Dioscorea opposita microtubers is a very important link.Many factors have a great influence on the germination of microtubers,such as plant growth regulators in the medium,light,temperature,humidity and ventilation conditions of the culture environment,in addition to their own size.The role of microtuber size,plant growth regulators,light,temperature and humidity in the germination of microtubers in D.opposita were reviewed in this article.










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Last Update: 2015-10-10