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Research on the Effect of Ozone Pollution on Horticultural Crops(PDF)


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Research on the Effect of Ozone Pollution on Horticultural Crops
(College of Horticulture,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150030)
ozonehorticultural cropsreview
As one of the major pollutants in the tropospheric air,ozone seriously impaired human health,animals and plants’growth and development.In this paper,the emergence and development of ozone pollution were systematically summarized.Impacts of ozone on leaf visible symptom,growth and physiological parameters,blossom and fruiting,yield and product quality in horticultural crops were summed up.Differences of ozone sensitivity among horticultural crops and the underling mechanisms were investigated.Plant screening criteria for ozone indicator and its application potential were discussed.Methods and approaches for preventing and mitigating ozone damage were generalized.In the end,future prospect was made for responses of horticultural crops to ozone stress.



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Last Update: 2015-09-02