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Effect of Eight Fungicides on Mycelial Growth of Cylindrocladium canadense Causing Peony Leaf Spot(PDF)


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Effect of Eight Fungicides on Mycelial Growth of Cylindrocladium canadense Causing Peony Leaf Spot
XU JianqiangYANG GaifengTIAN JuanKANG Yebin
(College of Forestry,Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang,Henan 471003)
peonyCylindrocladium canadensecarbendazimepoxiconazoleazoxystrobin
Taking Cylindrocladium canadense as material,which caused the brown leaf spot on cultivated tree peony in Luoyang,the inhibitory activity of eight fungicides against mycelial growth of C.canadense was determined by colony diameter assay and shaking method.The inhibitory mechanism of carbendazim,epoxiconazole and azoxystrobin were determined by inserting cover glass into medium and aniline blue staining.The results showed that three kinds of tested fungicides,including benzimidazoles,triazoles and strobilurins could strongly inhibit the mycelial growth,with the EC50 value (the concentration of the fungicide causing a 50% reduction in the growth rate compared to an unamended control) from 0.261 7 μg/mL to 40.981 5 μg/mL on solid medium and the inhibition rate from 43.32% to 75.23% in liquid medium. The tested three kinds of fungicides could cause the increases of branching number and shortening of branching interval on hyphal tip. After amended with fungicides, the mycelia on colony margin was denser, the young mycelia which grew radially was less and the colony expanded more slowly than those with unamended fungicides. The three kinds of fungicides were the alternative pesticide and could be used in chemical control of the peony brown leaf spot.






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Last Update: 2015-08-20