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Discriminant Analysis of Apples with 1-MCP at Different Treatment Time Under Ambient Temperature by Electronic Nose(PDF)


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Discriminant Analysis of Apples with 1-MCP at Different Treatment Time Under Ambient Temperature by Electronic Nose
ZHANG PengLI Jiang-kuoCHEN Shao-hui
National Engineering and Technology Research Center for Preservation of Agricultural Products,Tianjin Key Laboratory of Postharvest Physiology and Storage of Agricultural Products,Tianjin 300384
appleelectronic nosediscriminant analysis1-methylcyclopropenetreatment time
S 661.1
Taking‘Fuji’apple as test materials,the aroma composition in ‘Fuji’apples with 1-MCP at different treatment times under ambient temperature was detected by electronic nose.Dynamic aroma sampling was achieved by electronic nose and response values of the instrument were obtained.It was followed by data analysis using principal component analysis (PCA) and linear discrimination analysis(LDA).The results showed that the use of PCA was able to discriminate apples on 1-MCP treatment group and control group at the same shelf life after cold storage,but distinguishing effect of apples between different treatment groups of 1-MCP was undesirability.The use of LDA was able to exactly discriminate apples among all treatment groups at the same shelf life after cold storage.Loading analysis indicated that sensors of 2,6,7,8 and 9 played important roles in apples with 1-MCP at different treatment time under ambient temperature.Therefore,discriminant of apples with 1-MCP at different treatment time under ambient temperature by electronic nose was possible,and LDA was better than PCA.


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Last Update: 2015-08-11