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Optimizating of Aerial Root Chromosome Preparation Technology and Karyotype Analysis of Red Pitaya( Hylocereus polyrhizus)(PDF)


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Optimizating of Aerial Root Chromosome Preparation Technology and Karyotype Analysis of Red Pitaya( Hylocereus polyrhizus)
LIU Shun-zhiZHOU Hao-binLIN Run-yiQIN XiWANG Yu-linHU Wei-rong
School of Life Sciences,Guangzhou University,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510006
red pitayaaerial rootchromosomepreparation techniquekaryotype analysis
S 667.9
Taking aerial root tips of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) as material for chromosome preparation,the effect of root length,sampling time,permanent,dissociation time and staining on cytological observation were analyzed. The results showed that the optimum chromosome preparation was achieved with collecting root tips at 10:30 AM,root length within 5 mm,pretreated for 2 hours in 0.1% colchicine at room temperature,spreading chromosomes by double hypotonic treatment,dissociation with 1 mol/L HCl for 50 minutes at room temperature or 20 minutes at 60℃,and stained with 20% modified carbol fuchsin dyeing.The permanent slides could be made by the neutral resin.The karyotype analysis indicated that red pitaya is diploid(2n=2x=22),and the ratio of the longest chromosome to the shortest one was 1.63,so that the karyotype formula of red pitaya was 2n=22m,belonging to 1A karyotype.The karyotype asymmetrical coefficient was 54.29%.


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Last Update: 2015-08-09