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Analysis on the Ecological Functions of Roof Greening(PDF)


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Analysis on the Ecological Functions of Roof Greening
WANG Xin-jun1 2ZHANG Xin-rong1SHI Hong1
(1.School of Art and Design,Changzhou Institute of Technology,Changzhou,Jiangsu 213002;2.College of Resources and Environmental Science,Nanjing Agricultural University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210095)
roof greeningecological functionAHPlimiting factors
S 731.5
The ecological function of green roofs was discussed,the factors limiting of ecological functions of the roof greening in China was analysed.Seven ecological functions of roof greening were sumed up on the basis of related studies at home and abroad,including alleviation of urban discharge pressure,water quality improvement,air purification,reduction of energy expenditure,promotion of urban biodiversity,abatement of light pollution and noise pollution.Then it builded and made an AHP analysis of hierarchies of main and sub-main factors limiting the development of roof greening,and concluded that three major groups of factors check roof greening popularization in China:‘lack of related mature policies and laws’,‘insufficient support from the government’ and ‘increasing of design and construction costs’.


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Last Update: 2015-07-24