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Symbiosis Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Plants in Coal Mine Areas(PDF)


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Symbiosis Effect of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Plants in Coal Mine Areas
LU Yan-qi1CHANG She-xia2XING Hong-xia2LI Yan1XU Chun-jing3WANG Zheng1
(1.College of Argiculture,Hebei University of Engineering,Handan,Hebei 056038;2.Yongnian Agriculture and Animal Husbandry Bureau,Yongnian,Hebei 056000;3.College of Plant Protection,Northwest Science and Technology University of Agricultural and Forestry,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100)
coal mine areasarbuscular mycorrhizal fungisymbiosis
Arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and their symbioticrelationship with 41 plant species which belongs 20 family from coal mining areas in Wu’an were studied in this paper.Fieldwork and experimental analyses were carried out.Dominant plant community were elected and cleared up the relationship of infection rate,colonization intensity and spore density.The results showed that 35 plant species were infected by arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi and the infection rate of Asclepiadaceae,Leguminosae,Verbenaceae were the best ones.Talking about the most optimal plant-specifics were Periploca sepium,Amorpha fruticosa,Vitex.negundo var. cannabifolia,which were 92.33%,85.30%,70.78% respectively.There were significant differences among vegetation forms.and it had not significant difference in plant species at colonization intensity.The infection intensity was different between different plants.The relationship of infection rate and spore density varied with the plant species.



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Last Update: 2015-06-24