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Effect of Normal and Reverse Cuttage on the Cutting Weight and Seedling Growth of Cissus sicyoide in Different Substrate(PDF)


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Effect of Normal and Reverse Cuttage on the Cutting Weight and Seedling Growth of Cissus sicyoide in Different Substrate
CHEN Fa-jun12TANG Xiao-feng1HUANG Zuo-xi12
(1.College of Life Science,Neijiang Normal University,Neijiang,Sichuan 641100;2.Key Laboratory of Regional Characteristic Agricultural Resources,Department of Education,Neijiang,Sichuan 641100)
cuttagevine speciesseedling growthrootingbudding
Taking Cissus sicyoide as material,the cuttage experiments were conducted in soil and water substrate respectively,the effect of normal and reverse cottage on the dynamic characteristics of cutting weight and seedling growth were studied.The results showed that in soil medium,the seedlings from normal cuttage grew faster than the seedlings of reverse cuttage.The former was earlier in sprout and branch development period,and had longer cane and more leaves(P<0.01).Survival rate had no significant difference.In water medium,similar pattern of cutting weight was observed in two cuttage treatments(R=0.995,P<0.01),cutting could effectively uptake water from medium.The significant difference of rooting dynamic was found in normal and reverse cuttage of Cissus sicyoide .Seedlings of reverse cuttage performed well in the index of root length and rooting number in most time,and had longer cane in certain stage(P<0.01).There were no difference of percentage of survival cuttings in two groups.In addition,the buds in morphological upside of cutting were always active.The place of rooting was burl,section and lenticel in normal cutting.But roots main occurred in burl,and aerial root appeared in upper cutting in reverse cutting group.The survival capacity was high in Cissus sicyoide .Rooting capacity and cane growth were better in seedling of normal cuttage.The burl played an important role in survival of reverse cuttage.



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Last Update: 2015-05-08