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Molecular Cloning,Bioinformatics Analysis of rbcL Gene in Bellis perennis(PDF)


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Molecular Cloning,Bioinformatics Analysis of rbcL Gene in Bellis perennis
XIONG Yong1ZHAO Chun-yan2YANG Qing-song1ZHANG Wei-han1
(1.Key Laboratory of Ethnic Medicine Resource Chemistry,State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Ministry of Education,Yunnan University of Nationalities,Kunming,Yunnan 650500;2.Kunming Edible Fungi Institute of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooporatives,Kunming,Yunnan 650221)
Bellis perennisrbcL geneprotein structure predictionadaptive evolution
Taking Bellis perennis as experimental materials.Bellis perennis rbcL gene was amplified using PCR method and sequenced.Biological softwares DNAstar,PAML was used to bioinformatic and adaptive evolutionary analysis for this gene.The results showed that the full length of cDNA of Bellis perennis rbcL gene was 1 458 bp,it encoded 485 amino acids.Compared to the sequences of this gene in other compositae plants,homology of their nucleotide and amino acid sequences were over 96%.The secondary structure of RbcL protein had 20 α-helices,17 β-sheets,33 turns and some coils structures.The adaptive evolutionary analysis using variable ω ratio sites method indicated that 3 amino acid residues(94 E,149 Q and 309 M) were positively selected.The isolation of rbcL gene will facilitate the further research in Bellis perennis adapting to particular environment.The spatial locations of the positively selected sites in rbcL subunit played an important role to maintain function of Rubisco.


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Last Update: 2015-04-20