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Changes of Free IAA and Relationship Between PsARP in Tree Peony(PDF)


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Changes of Free IAA and Relationship Between PsARP in Tree Peony
DING Xiao-wen1CHENG Jie1WU Yu-chuan2ZHOU Rong-quan3LAO Jun-feng1MU Ping1
(1.College of Agronomy and Plant Protection,Qingdao Agricultural University,Innovation Team of Drought Resistance in Shandong Province,Qingdao,Shandong 266109;2.Jining Bureau of Agriculture,Jining,Shandong 272100;3.Rangu Agrotechnical Station,Dingtao,Shandong 274100)
Paeonia suffroticosadormancy releasefree IAAreal-time PCR
Using Paeonia suffroticosa‘Luhehong’as plant materials,the expression pattern of PsARP and changes of free IAA were conducted under different chilling treatments.In order to reveal the changes of free IAA and the relationship between PsARP during dormancy release by chilling treatment in tree peony.The results showed that during the first 12 days of chilling treatment,the content of free IAA continuously reduced with the increase of chilling treatment.The lowest point was in accordance with the dormancy release of tree peony.In the later part of chilling treatment,although a reduction situation was also maintained,a relatively high level of content of free IAA was detected.Chilling treatment between 12 days and 18 days was a key point.By Real-time PCR,it showed that the expression of PsARP was enhanced and continuously increased in the buds of tree peony during the first step of dormancy release by chilling treatment,reaching the highest value during 12 days chilling treatment.At the second part of chilling treatment,the expression level of PsARP reduced to 50% than that of the highest level.The variation of free IAA could reflect the dormancy release degree of the flower bud.



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Last Update: 2015-03-03