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ffect of Exogenous Calcium to Disporum cautoniense Leaves Growth at Natural Low Temperature(PDF)


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ffect of Exogenous Calcium to Disporum cautoniense Leaves Growth at Natural Low Temperature
YAN Qiu-jie12 HUANG Dan2GU Ying-qiong2LI Xu-feng1YANG Yi1
(1.Key Laboratory of Bio-resources and Eco-Environment of Ministry of Education,College of Life Sciences,Sichuan University,Chengdu,Sichuan 610064;2.College of Life Sciences and Technology,Mianyang Normal University,Mianyang,Sichuan 621000)
Disporum cautoniensenatural low temperaturecalcium chloriderelative electrical conductivityMDAfree proline
In order to explore the suitable exogenous calcium concentration for the better growth of Disporum cautoniense leaves,the morphological and physiological indexes of Disporum cautoniense cultured in 0.3%~0.7% calcium chloride solution at the natural low temperature of winter were measured.The results showed that the yellow leaf area,the rate of yellow blade tip and chlorophyll b content of the calcium chloride solution treatment under 0.3% were lower than the control,and the yellow leaf index were higher than the control.There were no significant difference between the above index and the control.The leaf water content was higher than the control very significantly.The chlorophyll a content,the relative electrical conductivity,MDA content and the free proline content were lower than the control very significantly,but the differences with the control attached minimum.From all indexes,the 0.3% of calcium chloride solution was better than 0.4%~0.7% of calcium chloride solution concentration.Therefore,the suitable exogenous calcium chloride concentration to Disporum cautoniense leaf growth at natural low temperature was 0.3%.


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Last Update: 2015-03-02