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Effect of Cutting off Frozen Branch on Physiological Metabolisn of ‘Lyuling’ Walnut After Frost(PDF)


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Effect of Cutting off Frozen Branch on Physiological Metabolisn of ‘Lyuling’ Walnut After Frost
LI Mei-mei12ZHAO Jian-jian12SONG Xin-ying3LI Bao-guo12QI Guo-hui12ZHAO Fu-dong 12
Keywords:frost‘Lyuling’walnutcutting-off frozen branchphysiological metabolisn
Abstract:Taking 10-year-old walnut trees of ‘Lyuling’ as materials,physiological metabolisn of cutting off frozen branch and no cutting off frozen branch in 2013 were studied,in order to reduce frost damage of walnut trees.The results showed that,the budding rates of pruning on April 20 th and pruning on May 6th and CK were 69.05%,61.20% and 56.32% respectively,and that of two pruning treatments were significantly higher than the control,and that of pruning on April 20th was very significantly higher than pruning on May 6th;the fruit rates of these three treatments were 79.66%,71.55% and 63.31% respectively,and that of pruning on April 20th was very significantly higher than the control;the average whole day sap flow velocities of these three treatments were 4.73 cm/h,4.02 cm/h and 2.52 cm/h,respectively,and that of pruning on April 20th was the biggest;net photosynthetic rates of these three treatments were 7.77 μmol?m-2?s-1,7.39 μmol?m-2?s-1,5.41 μmol?m-2?s-1,respectively,and that of pruning on April 20th was the biggest;chlorophyll a content of these three treatments were 1.83 mg/g,1.76 mg/g and 1.65 mg/g,respectively,the chlorophyll (a+b) content of these three treatments were 2.56 mg/g,2.49 mg/g and 2.30 mg/g;the leaf total nitrogen content of these three treatments was 2.4005%,2.2512% and 2.0533% respectively,the total potassium content of these three treatments was 1.6516%,1.4115% and 1.3076%,respectively,and both the total nitrogen content and potassium content of pruning on April 20th were the biggest;the root activities of these three treatments were 196.04 μg?g-1?h-1,184.76 μg?g-1?h-1 and 162.89 μg?g-1?h-1;the single fruit weight of these three treatments was 12.21 g,11.57 g and 10.53 g,respectively,and the yield per plant of these three treatments was 3.67 kg,2.99 kg and 2.03 kg;the oil content of these three treatments was 65.49%,65.32% and 63.71%,and the total protein content of these three treatments was 20.60%,20.11% and 19.72%,respectively,and the soluble protein content of these three treatments was 2.26%,2.23% and 2.17%,respectively,and all of pruning on April 20th was the biggest.


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Last Update: 2015-02-09