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Biotoxicity Assessment of Vegetable Waste Compost as Peat Substitutes Soilless Growing Media for Cucumber Seedling(PDF)


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Biotoxicity Assessment of Vegetable Waste Compost as Peat Substitutes Soilless Growing Media for Cucumber Seedling
DU Peng-xiangGONG Jian-yingHAN XueCHANG Rui-xueLI Yan-ming
College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193
vegetable residuecompostinggrowing media
S 642.204+.3
The potential value of vegetable waste compost (VC) used as alternatives to peatmoss for growing medium component were studied.A commercial peatmoss used as control treatment,and five VC+peatmoss mixtures were included:VC5 (peatmoss+5%VC),VC10 (peatmoss+10%VC),VC20 (peatmoss+20%VC),VC40 (peatmoss+40%VC),VC60 (peatmoss+60%VC).To get the optimum mixture proportion,the seedling emergence and vegetative parameters (including seedling height,length and width of the most developed leaf,length of roots,biomass,stem diameter,chlorophyll content and death rate) were measured.The results showed that substrate adding VC 20% showed the best performance;substrate adding more than 20%of VC could reduce cucumber seedling emergence and hinder the growth of cucumber seedlings,and the death seedling was appear in later stage.











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Last Update: 2014-12-24