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Study on Bacteriostatic Activity of Different Parts of Calotropis gigantean Liposoluble Extraction(PDF)


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Study on Bacteriostatic Activity of Different Parts of Calotropis gigantean Liposoluble Extraction
DENG Jia1WANG Fang2SHI Zheng-jun1LIU Hui-min1
1.Key Laboratory for Forest Resources Conservation and Use in the Southwest Mountains of China,Ministry of Education,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming,Yunnan 650224;
2.Key Laboratory of Diversity Conservation in the Southwest of China,State Forestry Administration,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming,Yunnan 650224
Calotropis gigantean L.liposoluble extractionantibacterial activities
S 567.23+9
Taking Calotropis gigantean as material,liposoluble constituents of Calotropis gigantean’s flower,fruit and leave were extracted by soxhlet extraction.The antibacterial activities on Escherichia coliProteus vulgaris and Bacillus subtilis of three fractions were studied by inhibition zone method and minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) method to study the bacteriostatic activity of different parts of Calotropis gigantean liposoluble extraction.The results showed that the antibacterial activity of liposoluble extraction in different parts of Calotropis gigantean were the highest for Escherichia coli,while leave extraction exhibited the strongest bacteriostatic activity.The minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) of leaves liposoluble extraction against for Escherichia coli and Proteus vulgaris were 30 mg/mL,60 mg/mL respectively.The wild Calotropis gigantean liposoluble extractions had a good bacteriostatic activity.The study could provide theoretical foundation for further studying and developing of the Calotropis gigantean.




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Last Update: 2014-12-24