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The Influence Factors on the Demanding of Famers on Small-scale Water Conservancy Facilities(PDF)


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The Influence Factors on the Demanding of Famers on Small-scale Water Conservancy Facilities
ZHI MianZHU Yu-chun
School of Economics and Management,Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100
small-scale water conservancy facilitiesdemanding of famersinfluence factorsmulti-logistic regression model
F 303.1
Based on the investigate data on Shandong and Ningxia of Yellow River irrigated area,using Contingent Valuation Method characterize the demanding of famers on small-scale water conservancy facilities and establishing multi-logistic regression model to analyze the influence factors on the demanding of famers.The results showed that both village layer and famers’ layer were significant influence factors on famers’ demands.However,the village layer factors had greater impact on the entirety and the majority of them caused negative effects on demanding of famers.Moreover,among the village layer factors,whether the county was the archetype of small-scale water conservancy or had water utilize conflicting and whether in recently five years had new small-scale irrigation water conservancy facilities would be more significant influence factors.On the other hand,among the famers’ layer factors,the education degree,available irrigation area and the encourage effect of grain subsidy would have significant influence on the famers’ demands.


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Last Update: 2014-08-08