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Research Progress of the Natural Function Factor in the Orange Peel(PDF)


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Research Progress of the Natural Function Factor in the Orange Peel
YUE Xian-tian
Department of Chemical,Nanjing College of Chemical Technology,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210048
orange peelnaturalfunctional factorprogress
TS 202.3
There are a lot of natural functional factor in the orange peel,the function of these factors is widely used in food,medicine,cosmetics industry.The research on domestic and foreign related functional factors were reviewed from orange peel in this paper.The paper mainly demonstrate effect and analysis method of the essential oil,polysaccharides,pectin,pigments,polyphenols,phenolic acids,flavonoids from the orange peel.Future researchers may be studied from the aspects of component analysis and mechanism of function.


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Last Update: 2014-08-08