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Advances in Antinutritional Factors in Plant Proteins Eliminate Microbial Fermentation(PDF)


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Advances in Antinutritional Factors in Plant Proteins Eliminate Microbial Fermentation
LV Xiao-ya12JIA Yan-yong12ZHU Qi-xin12LI Ya12BAI Xin-peng12
1.Food College,Hainan University,Haikou,Hainan 570228;
2.Key Laboratory of Matter and Biological Activity of Functional Food Development,Haikou,Hainan 570228
microbefermentationanti-nutritional factors
S 132
Anti-nutritional factors (ANF) are some of the substances of plant metabolism,it can destroy or hinder nutrient digestion in vivo use,and adversely affect animal health and growth performance.The antinutritional factors could be divided into protease inhibitors,lectins,polyphenols,phytic acid,cyanogenic glycosides and other types were described in this paper,based on an overview of the microbial fermentation elimination of antinutritional factors in soybean meal,rapeseed anti-nutritional factors,Jatropha curcas seed cake in the elimination of anti-nutritional factors and other plants,such as the application of anti-nutritional factors.


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Last Update: 2014-08-08