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Effects of Different Forage Species and Fertilizer on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Abandoned Land of Arid Area(PDF)


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Effects of Different Forage Species and Fertilizer on Soil Physical and Chemical Properties in Abandoned Land of Arid Area
SU De-xi1 JIA Qian-min2
1.Forestry Bureau of Pingluo County, Pingluo, Ningxia 753400;
2.Key Laboratory for Restoration and Reconstruction of Degraded Ecosystem in Northwestern China of the Ministry of Education Ningxia University, Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021
arid area artificial pasture fertilizer soil physical and chemical properties abandoned land
S 156.5
Taking abandoned land of arid area in Yanchi of Ningxia as research object,by L18(61×36) orthogonal design of artificial pasture planting test,the effects of different forage species,fertilizer and straw returning amount on soil physicochemical properties of abandoneel land were studied. The results showed that the optimal combination of soil moisture content, soil bulk density, pH and total salt was Elymus cylindricus Franch. + organic manure 36 t/hm2 +NPK (N 275 kg/hm2,P 225 kg/hm2and K 225 kg/hm2)+straw 10 t/hm2.The combination was consistent with treatment 17 which had the highest soil moisture content and lowest soil bulk density, pH and total salt. At the same time proved that using the orthogonal test was reliable for the establishment of artificial pasture. The optimal combination of soil organic matter was Melilotus offcinalia+organic manure 36 t/hm2+NPK (N 165 kg/hm2, P 135 kg/hm2 and K 135 kg/hm2)+straw 10 t/hm2.The combination was consistent with test 15 which had the highest soil organic matter. The effect of varieties on soil moisture content, pH and total salt were significant (P<0.01), organic fertilizer on soil moisture content, soil bulk density, pH, total salt and soil organic matter were significant (P<0.01), straw on soil moisture content,soil bulk density and total salt were significant (P<0.05), NPK on soil pH was significantly (P<0.05).Gramineous pastures conserve water and reduce soil bulk density was stronger than the effect of legume but the soil organic matter was weaker.


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Last Update: 2014-08-05