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Study on Active Ingredient of Blueberry Pomace in Solid-state Fermentation by Lentinus edodes (PDF)


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Study on Active Ingredient of Blueberry Pomace in Solid-state Fermentation by Lentinus edodes
GUO Li WANG Peng MA Zhi-ting
College of Food and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Suihua University,Suihua,Heilongjiang 152061
Lentinus edodes blueberry pomace solid-state fermentation active ingredient
S 646
Taking blueberry pomace as raw material,fermentated by Lentinus edodes,using the spectrophotometry,High Performance Liquid Chromatography determination,the change of fermentation product protein,flavonoids,anthocyanins,ellagic acid and gallic acid content were determined,the effect of solidstate fermentation by Lentinus edodes on active ingredient of blueberry pomace were studied. The results showed that the fermentation products using the spectrophotometric determination of protein, flavonoids and anthocyanin content changed, protein and flavonoid content in the first eight days reached the highest level,were 7.210 mg/g and 0.455 mg/g, anthocyanin content in the twelfth day of fermentation was 1.878 mg/g,reached the highest among the treatments.Ellagic acid content decreased, gallic acid content increased first and then decreased, reached the highest value for 1.755 mg/g in the eighth day.


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Last Update: 2014-08-05