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The Study of Oasis Soil Quality Change and Soil Health Evaluation in Arid and Semi-arid Areas(PDF)


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The Study of Oasis Soil Quality Change and Soil Health Evaluation in Arid and Semi-arid Areas
QU Wen-jieYANG Xin-guo
State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of Northwest Land Degradation and Restoration,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021
soil qualitytime scalesevaluating indexesarid and semi-arid area
S 151.9
The evolution of soil qualities is highly complicated by space and time scales,and is affected by many natural and contrived courses.The soil qualities include lots of property indexes varying at space and time scales and reacting among themselves,however,the relative importance and reacting mechanism for those indexes have not been understood fully,and the evaluation measures still need to be developed.The evolution of soil qualities in Ningxia Yanghuang irrigating areas includes positive and negative wrestle processes,the whole and long-term currents have not been clear.The law and mechanism of soil evolution at different time scales have to be studied deeply,to enrich the studies of soil quality evolution and provide theory bases for the soil health and food safety in the irrigating areas.


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Last Update: 2014-08-06