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Research Advance on Functional Effect of Gene Plant Pathogenic Oomycete(PDF)


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Research Advance on Functional Effect of Gene Plant Pathogenic Oomycete
HAN Chang-zhi
College of Forestry,Southwest Forestry University,The Key Laboratory of Forest Disaster Warning and Control of Yunnan Province,Kunming,Yunnan 650224
plant pathogenic oomyceteeffector genePTIETIfunctional redundancyZigzag theory
S 763
Plant pathogens oomycete,including Phytophthora infestansP.sojaeP.ramorum,P.cinnamom?and Hyaloperonospora arabidopsis,etc.,its interaction with the host in accordance with Zigzag theory.The theory is that pathogens to manipulate host plant defense responses,some of secretion and translocation of effector molecules were transhipped into plant cells,thereby inhibiting the PTI,while the plant defense genes identified pathogen effector molecules get activated,triggering ETI,with the pathogen and plant interaction similar to the “arms race” of escalating achieve pathogen coevolution of plants and genetically.Oomycete genome contains hundreds of highly differentiated RxLR effector of genes,now in terms of functional diversity,redundancy,and transport mechanisms of gene function were reviewed in this paper,in order to further research the mechanism for the transfer of effector proteins toxic functions,and extensive research carried out on plant pathogenic oomycetes pathogenic mechanism provides an important theoretical basis.


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Last Update: 2014-08-10