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Comparative Study on Soil Physicochemical Properties in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River(PDF)


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Comparative Study on Soil Physicochemical Properties in the Middle Reaches of Tarim River
WANG Liang12WANG Xia-nan12ZHOU Zheng-li12LYU Rui-heng12WANG Yu-li13LIANG Ji-ye12
1.Key Laboratory of Protection and Utilization of Biological Resources in Tarim Basin,Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps,Alar,Xinjiang 843300;
2.College of Plant Science and Technology,Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300;
3.College of Animal Science and Technology,Tarim University,Alar,Xinjiang 843300
Tarim rivercommunitiesphysicochemical properties of soil
S 151.9
In the middle reaches of the Tarim River,the typical vegetation types were selected as plots,and 0-100 cm soil were stratified to obtain samples and as a research object,the difference and variability of main physical and chemical properties in different plots were analyzed.The results showed that 10 typical soil samples contained total nitrogen,total phosphorus content was low,and total potassium content was high;soil bulk density of samples showed the soil relatively tight,poorly structured,less porosity,and between the layers were some differences.Soil total nitrogen,total phosphorus,total potassium showed dropping off state with soil depth deep going.From correlation of soil physical and chemical indicators of tipical samples,showed significantly correlation of soil moisture and other major chemistry factor,soil bulk density and most indicators showed significant negative correlation,indicated there were regional differences and level differences in soil moisture and density in the middle reaches of the Tarim River region,and they impacted other physical and chemical indicators of theregion.


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Last Update: 2014-12-24