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ISSR Analysis of Phenotypic Variants in Tissue Culturing Regeneration Plants of Anthurium andraeanum(PDF)


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ISSR Analysis of Phenotypic Variants in Tissue Culturing Regeneration Plants of Anthurium andraeanum
ZHANG Yun-feng1HU Fen2
1.Department of Life Science,Tangshan Normal University,Tangshan,Hebei 063000;
2.College of Life Science,Hebei United University,Tangshan,Hebei 063000
Anthodium andraeanumISSRmutagenesistissue culturie
S 682.1+4;Q 943.1
Taking the phenotypic variants of Anthodium andraeanum as material,using method of PCR,the gene changes of phenotypic variants in tissue culture was researched.The results showed that total 73 ISSR markers were acquired with 8 polymorphic ISSR primers which were screened from the 37 ISSR primers,and averagely 9.1 products for each ISSR primer.22 polymorphic ISSR markers (taking 30.2%) were observed during the research,showing that the genetic changes certainly existed between the tested plants.The genetic distance was 0.0274-0.3636,showing their similar genetic background between them.The clusters analyses showed with UPGMA (unweighted pair group method with arithmetic averages) method revealed that V1 had little genotype changes comparing to there parent cultivar Arizona,but V2,V3 and V4 exhibited significant genotype changes.The results showed that new genotype could be generated as new genetic recombination occurs in the tissue culturing.


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Last Update: 2014-12-01