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Response of Quality and Growth Characteristics of Medicago sativa for the Different Intensity of Cutting(PDF)


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Response of Quality and Growth Characteristics of Medicago sativa for the Different Intensity of Cutting
JIN Wen-bin1ZHANG Fan-bing2
1.Training Offices of Armed Police in Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083;
2.Key Lab for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education,College of Forestry,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 100083
Medicago sativacutting intensitygrowth characteristicsquality
S 812.5
Taking Medicago sativa as material,the effect of different cutting intensities on the quality and growth characteristics of Medicago sativa were studied.The results showed that light cutting and moderate cutting could improve the ability of plant height and regeneration.Different intensities of cutting increased the aboveground,underground biomass and root cap ratio (R/S) of Medicago sativa,moderate cutting increased most significant,and the compensatory aboveground biomass of high cutting was the highest.With the increase of the intensity of cutting,the content of chlorophyll a increased,chlorophyll b content decreased and different cutting intensities increased the content of chlorophyll a and b comparing to pre-cutting,which could be very helpful for photosynthesis of Medicago sativa.Heavy cutting lead to the total length and mean diameter of plant roots decreased significantly (P<0.05),and moderate cutting increased the total length and mean diameter of plant roots (P<0.05).Cutting also affected the activities of plant roots comparing to pre-cutting.The average crude protein,crude fat,crude fiber,crude ash and nitrogen free extract showed that moderate cutting>light cutting>heavy cutting>control.Based on the comprehensive analysis of the indices,the optimum scheme for the quality and growth characteristics of Medicago sativa was proposed as moderate cutting in desert steppe.


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Last Update: 2014-11-28