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Effect of Different Light Qualities on Growth of Lettuce Seedlings(PDF)


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Effect of Different Light Qualities on Growth of Lettuce Seedlings
LIU Fu-xiaLIU Nai-sen
Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Eco-agricultural Biotechnology Around Hongze Lake,Huaiyin Normal College,Huai’an,Jiangsu 223300
light qualityLED lightlettucegrowthseedling index
S 636.204+.3
Taking lettuce(Lactuca sativa L. var.‘Sijiyoumaicai’) as test material,the effect of light spectral energy distribution of light emitting diode (LED) on growth of lettuce seedlings were studied.Blue light and combination of red and blue light (RB) were set as experiment treatments and white light generated by fluorescent lamps was served as control.The results showed that the LEDs combination of red and blue light was more beneficial for lettuce seedlings.Under RB treatment,the plant height,main root length,stem diameter,fresh weight,dry weight and leaf area were significantly higher than that of the control.Compared with the control treatment,the plant height under blue light reduced significantly.Seedling index of lettuce seedlings were increased under B and RB treatment,and the seedling index under RB treatment was significantly higher than that of control.


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Last Update: 2014-11-28