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Research Advance of NRT Gene on Nitrogen Use Efficiency(PDF)


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Research Advance of NRT Gene on Nitrogen Use Efficiency
WANG BoMA XingLIU Ying-yingGUO Yu-chen
WANG Bo,MA Xing,LIU Ying-ying,GUO Yu-chen
nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)nitrate transporters(NRT)nitrate
Q 78
Lower nitrogen use efficiency(NUE)caused the aggravation of the ecosystem pollution.How to improve the NUE has become a hot research goal.To clarify the physiological characteristics of absorption and transportation of NO3- by plants,the classification of the NRT and its presence organ,biology functions and regulatory mechanisms in plant was summarized in this paper and pointed out.There was an important way to improve the NUE of plant by the means of molecular biology.A theoretical basis for the future to improve NUE and reduce environmental pollution by methods of genetic engineering were provided.


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Last Update: 2014-11-21