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The Accumulation and Biological Function of Anthocyanins in Leaves(PDF)


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The Accumulation and Biological Function of Anthocyanins in Leaves
ZHANG Pei-peiZHANG LiangZHENG Feng-xiaWANG Tian-qiFENG Na-naWANG Tai-xia
College of Life Science,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang,Henan 453007
Q 945
Juvenile leaves pigmented with anthocyanins are a common and visually striking feature of many woody species from a range of higher plant families.The contentious issue is that most juvenile leaves are red and anthocyanins in vegetation organs play the role were continued a century.However,the distribution patterns and accumulation and the biological function of anthocyanins are poorly unified conclusion.So,the distribution,occurrence of anthocyanins and protection in leaves against stress at home and abroad were introduced in this article.At the same time,this article also summed up the protective bioactivity of anthocyanins,including photoprotection and antioxidant,in adverse environmental.Based on those,the author of this article had pointed out the question which existed to the research of anthocyanins and took a fresh look at further study of anthocyanins.


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Last Update: 2014-11-21