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Research Progress of Continuous Cropping Obstacle of Garlic(PDF)


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Research Progress of Continuous Cropping Obstacle of Garlic
JIA RuZHANG DiMA Xiao-dongJIANG Bai-wen
School of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150030
garliccontinuous cropping problemsoil nutrient unbalanceallelopathic substancessoil microbial floracontroling measure
S 633.4
The continuous cropping obstacle of garlic has become the key factor of restricting the yield and quality.The mechanism of continuous cropping obstacle was elaborated in soil nutrient unbalance,accumulation of allelopathic substances,and change of soil microbial flora.The prevention and control measures were introducted to overcome the continuous cropping obstacle.The main problems and research orientation were also put forward on the continuous cropping obstacle of garlic in this paper.


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Last Update: 2014-11-26