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The Response of Provenance Difference of Magnolia officinalis to Climate Change Between the Status Quo and Future(PDF)


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The Response of Provenance Difference of Magnolia officinalis to Climate Change Between the Status Quo and Future
YANG Feng-li1DU Bao-guo2
1.College of Urban and Rural Construction and Planning,Mianyang Normal University,Mianyang,Sichuan 621000;
2.College of Life Science and Technology,Mianyang Normal University,Mianyang,Sichuan 621000
Magnolia officinalisprovenancesresearch progressresource conservationclimate change
S 759.82
Provenance trail is the basis of tree breeding and the basic mean for achieving efficient forestry.Magnolia officinalis is one precious medicinal plant species with wide distribution,which covers a number of areas with distinct climate conditions.Therefore,its provenance trails have raised considerable concern.Studies have shown that there were significant differences between different provenances in morphological characteristics,growth strategies,genetic backgrounds,as well as the contents of medicinal components.To give a well understanding of the current status,and to further provide an instructions for its provenance selection,plantation and genetic improvement,this paper briefly summarized the up to date research findings with respect to the provenance trails of M.officinalis.The future research interests of this plant in response to the climate change and their provenance specific variations was proposed.


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Last Update: 2014-11-27