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Study on Tissue Culture Conditions of Tortula ruralis(PDF)


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Study on Tissue Culture Conditions of Tortula ruralis
WEI Zhi-yingSHA WeiZHANG Mei-juan
College of Life Science,Qiqihar University,Qiqihar,Heilongjiang 161006
Tortula ruralisgametophytesterilization methodmediumsucrose concentration
Q 949.35+2
Taking apical shoots of Tortula ruralis as the explant,adopting L12(3×24) orthogonal design method,the disinfection method and medium type were chosen in in virto culture,the effect of different sucrose concentrations on gametophyte morphogenesis were investigated through the gradient design in order to establish effective propagation system of Tortula ruralis.The results showed that the best way of T.ruralis gametophyte sterilization was as follows:3% Sodium hypochlorite disinfecting for 5 minutes,then 0.05% Mercuric chloride disinfecting for 20 seconds,as a basal medium for establishment of in vitro culture,Beneck was the appropriate medium.The sucrose concentrations tended to have a positive effect on protonema formation and elongation,when 30 g/L sucrose was added in the medium,protonema form at the earliest time and extend the largest diameter,but it inhibited buds formation,when 15 g/L sucrose was added in the medium,it obviously promoted buds formation.


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Last Update: 2014-11-27