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Study on Effect of Allelopathic Different Lines Switchgrass Shoots(PDF)


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Study on Effect of Allelopathic Different Lines Switchgrass Shoots
ZHONG Wen-jin1MA Yong-qing 12AN Yu1
1.College of Resources and Environment,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100;
2.Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Northwest Agriculture and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100
switchgrasslettucedistilled water extractsallelopathy
Q 143+.1
Taking 10 lines switchgrass(YQ1,YQ2,YQ3,YQ4,YQ5,YQ6,YQ8,YQ11,YQ12,YQ13) and 2 USA varieties(Cave-in-Rock and Nebraska 28) as materials,using the dish culture method,Allelopathic potential was evaluated according to the effect of the aqueous extracts through the analysis of the shoots of 10 lines switchgrass on lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) seed germination and seedling growth.The reaults showed that the allelopathic potential in differentlines or cultivars was different.Cave-in-Rock displayed stronger allelopathic potential than Nebraska 28.The allelopathic effect of lines switchgrass declined with extracts diluted.The aqueous extracts from the switchgrass shoots had a strong allelopathic inhibition on radicle growth with the maximum inhibiting rate (RI) of 60%.In contrast,aqueous extracts from the switchgrass shoots generally promoted coleoptile growth,and the maximum promoting rate (RI) was 48.1%.YQ5,YQ13,Cave-in-Rock displayed strong allelopathic potential,and compared with control the differences were significant.Cluster analysis showed that lines or cultivars of switchgrass on-test can be divided into 3 classes:YQ13 and YQ5 had the highest allelopathic potential among the switchgrass cultivars;YQ12,YQ11,YQ8,YQ6 and YQ4 with the medium allelopathic potential;YQ3,YQ2 and YQ1 with the weakest allelopathy.


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Last Update: 2014-11-27