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Contrastive Analysis on Core Competitiveness of Floriculture in China and the Netherlands(PDF)


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Contrastive Analysis on Core Competitiveness of Floriculture in China and the Netherlands
WANG NaLI Hai-junZHANG Xiao-yingBAI JieCHE Dai-di
College of Horticulture Northeast Agricultural University,Harbin,Heilongjiang 150030
ChinaNetherlandsfloriculturecore competitivenesscontrastive analysislimiting factor
The current development of floriculture in China and the Netherlands were described in this paper.Based on the floral industry database over the past decade,the study constructed a contrastive analysis on core competitiveness in floriculture production chain (in terms of flower breeding innovations,production magnitude and technologies,production chain and marketing strategies) between the two countries and addressed the constraints for floriculture development in China.The results showed that there were many limiting factors such as lacking of variety source and innovation strategies for local species;small production scale combined with low production technologies;lacking of appropriate production chain and efficient trading channel;relatively low consumption level in local market and immature export operation system.The potential of China floriculture and provides strategies for improvement of Chinese floriculture in the aspects of important competitiveness were eventually proposed.


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Last Update: 2014-09-26