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Study on Leaf Traits of Ginkgo biloba and Salix babylonica Response to Average Annual Temperature and Rainfall(PDF)


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Study on Leaf Traits of Ginkgo biloba and Salix babylonica Response to Average Annual Temperature and Rainfall
WANG Yu-taoCHEN Si-siZHANG Jing-jingLIU Ping
College of Forestry,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang,Liaoning 110866
average annual temperatureprecipitationstomanutrient contentanatomical structure
In order to establish the relationship between plants and environment,the variability of the leaf traits of G.biloba and S.babylonica in different temperature and rainfall,the relationship between the traits and temperature were studied.Through the research of ?G.biloba and S.babylonica whose leaf traits change with the environment,and the study was useful for the announcing trees adapt in the future climate change.The results showed that the trees leaf traits changed with increasing average annual temperature and rainfall,the minimum change rate of G.biloba leaf traits was 20% and the maximum one was 329%;for S.babylonica,the minimum one was 16% and the maximum one was 308%.The correlations of the petiole,palisade tissue,leaf vein,stomatal area and rainfall were more relevant than the annual average temperature.High temperature and rainfall reduced the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in unit area,and obvious differently effected the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in unit mass.


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Last Update: 2014-09-25