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Effect of Resource Limitation and Pollen Sources on Fruit Setting Rate and Fruit Characters of Vaccinium ashei (PDF)


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Effect of Resource Limitation and Pollen Sources on Fruit Setting Rate and Fruit Characters of Vaccinium ashei
REN Yong-quan1YANG Qin1LIAO You-jiang2CHEN Rong1LUO Ya-fen1
1.College of Environment and Life Sciences,Kaili University,Kaili,Guizhou 556011;
2.Guizhou Botanical Garden,Guiyang,Guizhou 550004
Vaccinium asheiflower thinningfruit setting ratesupplemental pollinationpollen limitationpollinizer
S 663.9
Taking Vaccinium ashei‘Powderblue’ as test material,the flower thinning and hand-pollination were conducted,the effects of resource limitation,pollen limination and pollen sources on fruit setting rate and berry property on Vaccinium ashei‘Powderblue’ were studied.The results showed that fruit setting rate and berry quality increased significantly with the extent of flower thinning,and fruit setting rate increased significantly after supplemental pollination.Although the Vaccinium ashei‘Powderblue’ was self-compatible,berries pollinated from another cultivar ‘Premier’ performed significantly better than those pollinated from the same cultivar or the same plant in parameters of berry diameter,berry weight,number of seeds per berry and total soluble solid.Both resource limitation and pollen limitation were detected in rabbiteye blueberry,and berry quality was significantly affected by pollen sources.Inter-planting of different cultivars was recommended to facilitate outcrossing.


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Last Update: 2014-08-06