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Effect of Low Nitrogen Treatment on Five Species of Plants Applied to Rock Slope Revegetation(PDF)


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Effect of Low Nitrogen Treatment on Five Species of Plants Applied to Rock Slope Revegetation
HU Jia-jia1ZHOU Jiang2
1.Guizhou Province Environmental Monitoring Center Station,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001;
2.Guiyang Research Academy of Eco-Environmental Sciences,Guiyang,Guizhou 550001
rock sloperevegetationplantsbarren resistancelow nitrogen treatment
X 171.4
Taking 5 species of plants applied to rock slope revegetation Amorpha fruticosa L.,Pyracantha fortuneana,Poa annua Linn,Cynodon dactylon Pers and Trifolium pretense L. as materials,the effect of low nitrogen level and normal level nitrogen treatments on plant root length,plant height,biomass,chlorophyll content and total nitrogen content were studied,and its barren resistance ability and the mechanism were investigated.The results showed that the effect of low nitrogen treatment on biomass was the biggest while on root length and plant height were the minimum.In different types of plants,barren resistance of Amorpha fruticosa L.and Pyracantha fortuneana were stronger,Poa annua Linn was middle,Cynodon dactylon Pers.and Trifolium pretense L.were weak.The order of barren resistance was Pyracantha fortuneana>Amorpha fruticosa L.>Poa annua Linn>Cynodon dactylon Pers.>Trifolium pretense L..At the same time,these indexes of different plants were obviously different,they could be used as the indexes to filter plant that had stronger barren resistance for rock slope revegetation.


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Last Update: 2014-08-14