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Initial Screening of Insect Resistant Gene to Leptocybe invasa Fisher& La Salle(PDF)


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Initial Screening of Insect Resistant Gene to Leptocybe invasa Fisher& La Salle
WANG Wei1XU Jian-min2LI Guang-you2HAN Chao2WU Shi-jun2LU Zhao-hua2
1.Guangzhou Institute of Landscaping Gardening,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510405
2.Research Institute of Tropical Forestry,Chinese Academy of Forestry,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510520
Leptocybe invasa Fisher& La Salleinsect resistant genetranscriptome sequencingReal-time PCR
S 718
The high-sensitive strain of Eucalyptus ‘DH201-2’ (sample A) and high-resistant strain of Eucalyptus urophylla ‘A107’ (sample B) were chosen for transcriptome sequencing,971 differential expression sequences were screened through de novo assembly and differential expression analysis for sequence.19 target genes were chosen to make RT-PCR.The results showed that the target gene had a good specificity amplification except the target gene 16.The average amount of expression of G1,G5,G9,G10,G18 and G19 in sample B was significant higher than in sample A.The average amount of expression of G3,G4 and G11 in sample A was significantly higher than in sample B.There were no significant differences of the average amount of expression among the last target gene.Target gene G1,G3,G4,G5,G9,G10,G11,G18,G19 maybe the susceptibility gene to insect resistant gene to Leptocybe invasa Fisher& La Salle.


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Last Update: 2014-12-08