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An Investigation and Analysis of Freeze Injury of Different  Varieties Apple Seedlings in Ili Area(PDF)


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An Investigation and Analysis of Freeze Injury of Different  Varieties Apple Seedlings in Ili Area
LIU Jun;DIAO Yong-qiang;CHEN Shu-ying;XU Zheng;WANG Jin;SHANG Zhen-jiang
Academy of Forestry in Ili,Yining,Xinjiang 835000
applefreeze injuryIli areaanalysis
S 661.1
The seedlings of apple which were 1~2 years old and dwarfing inter stock apple trees introducad to Ili were investigated based on experimental research and field survey on the freezing injury of some villages and towns.The difference in ability of cold resistance for introduced seedlings of apple and apple rootstocks in Ili area were discussed,in order to provide a scientific basis for reasonable planning,cultivation management,and the healthy development of apple industry.The results indicated that,there had obvious differences expressed by freezing injury between different varieties of apple,the average freezing damage index of local cultivars named ‘Yushanyin’ was only 0.07,suffered from little freeze injury compared with ‘Micui’,which the average freezing damage index was 0.18;‘Yushanyin’ had higher cold tolerance;the average freezing damage index of dwarfing inter stock apple trees ‘GM256’ was only 0.003,suffered from little freeze injury compared with Malus sieversii,which the average freezing damage index was 0.078,‘GM256’ had higher cold tolerance;the average freezing damage index of dwarfing inter stock apple trees ‘LiaozhenⅡ’was 0.130,comparatively suffered from more freeze injury.The seedlings of apple and apple rootstocks planted in 2010 to 2011 suffered from different freeze injury in Ili area,mainly occured on the trunk above the snow line (40 centimeters above the ground),the degree of freezing injury damage was Ⅰ~Ⅱ.The ability of cold resistance for introduced seedlings of apples were:‘Yushanyin’>‘Micui’>‘Hanfu’>‘Huashuo’>‘Shouhong’>‘Wangshanhong’>‘Red Fuji’>‘Honggailu’>‘Fuji Champion’;the ability of cold resistance for apple rootstocks were:‘GM256’>Malus sieversii>‘LiaozhenⅡ’;there was significant difference in the degree of freezing injury in different site conditions in apple orchard.In general,freezing injury were more series at plain low altitude than that in mountainous high altitude area.


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Last Update: 2014-08-11