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Effect of the Color-protection Liquid on Browning-related Enzymes Activities in ‘Red Fuji’ Apple Slices During Drying Process(PDF)


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Effect of the Color-protection Liquid on Browning-related Enzymes Activities in ‘Red Fuji’ Apple Slices During Drying Process
LI Xin-mingZHANG JunZHANG Yong-mao
Agricultural Product Storage and Processing Institute,Gansu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Lanzhou,Gansu 730070
‘Red Fuji’ applebrowningfree radicaldryingemzymes activity
TS 255.42
Taking ‘Red Fuji’ apple slices as materials,the effect of the color-protection liquid on browning-related enzymes activities in ‘Red Fuji’ apple slices during drying process were studied.The results showed that SOD and CAT activities in apple slices treated with complex color-protection liquid was far higher than treated with single color-protection reagent or untreated with any reagents.PPO,POD activities and MDA level were lower than those in ones treated with single color-protection reagent or untreated with any reagents.It could be concluded that the complex color-protection liquid prevented apple slices browning by inhibiting PPO,POD activities and stimulating SOD,CAT activities,further decreasing MDA level.


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Last Update: 2014-08-30