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Advances Researches on the Effects of Water on Crops Growth and  Development Simulation Model(PDF)


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Advances Researches on the Effects of Water on Crops Growth and  Development Simulation Model
DONG Yong-yiXU Shou-junWANG CongGUO YuanGAO Cai-ting
College of Agriculture,Inner Mongolia University for Nationalities,Tongliao,Inner Mongolia 028042
watercropsgrowth and developmentsimulation model
S 68
Crop growth model is a powerful tool in crop production precise management and intelligent decisionmaking.Present situation and application of the effects of water on crops growth and development simulation models were discussed in this paper.Simulation models application status in equipment crops were also elaborated,respectively from the effects of water on leaf area,photosynthesis,dry matter production and distribution,product quality development simulation and quality simulation four aspects to carry on the summary,and finally the problems existing in the effects of water on crops growth and development simulation model research were pointed out.


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Last Update: 2014-08-18