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Extraction of Genomic DNA for ISSR-PCR Reaction in Lilium(PDF)


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Extraction of Genomic DNA for ISSR-PCR Reaction in Lilium
CHEN Ming-hong12LI Yu1LIU Duo1XIONG Hua-bin1LI Cheng-yun2
1.Key Laboratory of Ethnic Medicine Resource Chemistry,State Ethnic Affairs Commission and Ministry of Education,Yunnan University of Nationalities,Kunming,Yunnan 650031;
2.Key Laboratory of the Ministry of Educational for Agro-biodiversity and Pests Control,Yunnan Agricultural University,Kunming,Yunnan 650201
Liliumgenomic DNADNA extractioninter-simple sequence repeat
S 682.2+9
In order to obtain high quality genomic DNA suitable for ISSR-PCR reaction conveniently and stably in Lilium,taking Lilium tigrinm ?as matrials,the course of DNA extraction was improved and optimized based on the traditional CTAB method and an ideal method was obtained here.The results showed that the OD260/OD280 of genomic DNA extracted by the modified CTAB method ranged from 1.7 to 2.0 with clear electrophoresis strip and its stability and repeatability were very good when used for ISSR-PCR reaction,accounting for its purity and content were all up to the standards for ISSR-PCR analysis.The research laid the foundation for the study on genetic polymorphism analysis,cultivar identification,etc.of Lilium at the molecular level.


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Last Update: 2014-08-31