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Research on Urea Formaldehyde Foam as Establishment Substrate in Tall Fescue Turf Planting(PDF)


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Research on Urea Formaldehyde Foam as Establishment Substrate in Tall Fescue Turf Planting
GU Jia-lin1XU Kai2ZHANG Dong-lei2ZHU Wen2LIU Bao-cun1ZOU Guo-yuan1
1.Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources,Beijing Academy of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097;
2.Institute of Agricultural Science of Fangshan District,Beijing 100115
urea formaldehyde foam substratetall fescueturf quality
S 688.4
Based on assay of physical and chemical properties of urea formaldehyde foam(UFF),the research attempt to introduce three kinds of UFF(UFFA,UFFB and UFFC)as new type turf establishment substrate.A field experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of UFF as turf establishment substrate on tall fescue turf planting.The results showed that three kinds of UFF with nitrogen content of 23.47%,24.50% and 25.24% had low bulk density and could be use for turf planting.No significant difference was observed on the germination rate,score assessment and establishing time among treatments of UFFA and UFFB with soil covering or not as compared to treatment of UFFC with soil covering.Compared to conventional soil planting treatment,the turf quality from UFFA(with and without covering),UFFB(with and without covering)and UFFC(with covering)treatments had no difference at early establish stage,but it had significant difference in the late stage,as well as the indexes of green period and clipping yield.Considering the quality,the simplified establishing management and maintenance of turf,UFFA and UFFB by means of direct seeding was a practicable way in turf establishing.





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Last Update: 2014-09-01