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The Store Localization Characteristics of Polysaccharide in Zizyphus jujuba Mill cv.(PDF)


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The Store Localization Characteristics of Polysaccharide in Zizyphus jujuba Mill cv.
ZHANG Ying-cai1SU Wei-dong2YANG Jun1
1.College of Life Science,Ningxia University,Yinchuan,Ningxia 750021;
2.Ningxia Jujube Engineering Technology Research Center,Lingwu,Ningxia 750400
Zizyphus jujuba Mill cv.polysaccharideaccumulation and distribution characteristics
Q 944.62
The distribution characteristics and relativity of polysaccharide in fruit and stem and leaf of Zizyphus jujuba Mill cv. in different development stages were studied by histochemical methods.The results showed that the distribution characteristics of polysaccharide in different organs in different development stages was diverse.The polysaccharide of the early stages fruit mainly existed in the mesocarp parenchyma near the exocarp.The distribution range and the amount of polysaccharide in fruit gradually increase from the swell fruit to the mature period,the mesocarp and parenchyma in or around bundle existed a large number of polysaccharide,the mesocarp was the chief tissue which accumulated more polysaccharide.The polysaccharide of the stem mainly existed in cortex and phloem parenchymas and pith,the amount of polysaccharide was deficient and it gradually decreases in the course of the fruit development.The polysaccharide of the petiole mainly existed in ground tissue and phloem parenchymas and xylem parenchymas,but the amount of polysaccharide increase to certain degree in the course of the fruit development.The polysaccharide of the blade mainly existed in mesophyll and parenchymas of vein,the amount of polysaccharide decreases to certain degree in the course of the fruit development.The polysaccharide in fruit gradually accumulated in the course of the fruit growth and development,and it was related to the polysaccharide accumulation in the leaf.







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Last Update: 2014-09-01