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Filtering of Wetland Plants for Treating Petrochemical Wastewater(PDF)


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Filtering of Wetland Plants for Treating Petrochemical Wastewater
HU ShuXIAO XinJIA Han-shuai
School of Environment Science and Spatial Informatics,China University of Mining and Technology,Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Resources and Environmental Information System,Xuzhou,Jiangsu 221008
oilconstructed wetlandplantadaptation abilityheighttiller
Q 945.78
In order to filter out the constructed wetland plants for treating petrochemical wastewater,the oil which was one of the main component of exploiting petroleum water was be considered.Through measuring height and tiller number of eight common cold-resistant wetland plants under the oily wastewater irrigating condition,the adaptability of the plants to petrochemical wastewater were studied.The results showed that different wetland plants had widespread differences growth situation under water and oily wastewater irrigating conditions.Under the two irrigating conditions,Phragmites australis,Iris pseudacorus and Pontederia cordata L management grew faster with the average increasing height respectively were 43.45,34.58 and 25.10 cm. Pontederia cordata L and Acorus calamus Linn had the most tiller numbers with 8 and 4.5 respectively.Other plants were significantly affected by oily wastewater,even withered to death.Phragmites australis,Iris pseudacorus,Pontederia cordata L and Acorus calamus Linn had the strong adaptation ability for oily wastewater.Therefore,Phragmites australis,Iris pseudacorus,Pontederia cordata L and Acorus calamus Linn should be given prior consideration in the choice of the constructed wetland plants for treating industrial petrochemical wastewater.


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Last Update: 2014-08-29