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Effect of Coated Urea on Rape’s Yield,Quality and Nitrogen’s Absorption(PDF)


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Effect of Coated Urea on Rape’s Yield,Quality and Nitrogen’s Absorption
ZHANG Peng-fei12 ZHANG Ai-guo1XIAO Qiang2YANG Jun-gang2NI Xiao-hui2CAO Bing2
1.Shanxi Normal University,Linfen,Shanxi 041000;
2.Institute of Plant Nutrition and Resources,Beijing Academy of Agriculture and Forestry Sciences,Beijing 100097
coated urearapenitrate contentinorganic nitrogen
S 634.306.+2
A pot experiment was conducted to study the influence of rape’s yield,quality and the absorption of nutrient by coated urea.The results showed that nitrogen’s application significantly (P<0.05) improved the yield of rape,and the increasing was between 96.8% and 100.5%.The rape’s yield didn’t differ between the application of the conventional nitrogen and the coated urea (in whole or in part was mixed with urea).Compared with conventional nitrogen,the content of rape’s nitrate decreased by 18.9% and 6.3% when rapes was treated by the mixture of in whole or in part urea,the content of Vitamin C was increased by 33.3% and 2.23%.The coated urea was mixed in whole or in part with urea increased the absorption of rape on nitrogen.Among of it,the utilization rate of nitrogen increased by 58.9% when it was treated by the mixture of coated urea and urea than conventional nitrogen fertilizer,the application of coated urea reduced the content of soil’s nitrate and the risk of nitrate’s leaching.








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Last Update: 2014-08-28