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Study on the Number and Germinating Characteristics of Pollens of Different Apricot Cultivars(PDF)


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Study on the Number and Germinating Characteristics of Pollens of Different Apricot Cultivars
WANG Chao-fengYANG Tu-xiWEI An-zhiLI Yang
College of Forestry,Northwest Agricultural and Forestry University,Yangling,Shaanxi 712100
apricotpollen number per antherpollen germination ratepollen tube lengthpercentage of full-grown flowerscluster analysis
S 662.2
Taking seventeen fresh apricot varieties,four almond apricot varieties and four apricot-plum hybrid as test materials, the pollen number per anther,pollen germination rate,pollen tube length were determined, and the percentage of fullgrownflowers was of twentyfive apricot varieties was investigated, to select suitable pollenizers for main cultivation apricot varieties.The results showed that there were extremely significant differences in the pollen number per anther,pollen germination rate,pollen tube growth and the percentage of full-grown flowers of various apricot cultivars.And the pollen number per anther and the percentage of full-grown flowers significantly differed from each other because of different fruit types (Fresh,Almond and Apricot-plum hydrid).The pollen number per anther significantly correlated with pollen tube growth(r=0.417,P<0.05),but there was no significant correlation between pollen germination rate and the percentage of full-grown flowers;The correlation between pollen germination rate and pollen tube growth was extremely significant(r=0.691,P<0.01),and the correlation between pollen germination rate and percentage of full-grown flowers was negative but not significant.Further investigation on the pollination value of different peaches was performed based on cluster analysis.The apricot cultivars with larger pollen number and longer pollen tube which were suitable for pollenizers included ‘Chuanzhihong’,‘Shajinhong’,‘Jintaiyang’ and ‘Huanna’;The apricot cultivars with lower pollen number,shorter pollen tube and higher percentage of full-grown flowers which ought to need pollenizers included ‘Konglongdan’,‘Weidi’,‘Suiliansihao’.


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Last Update: 2014-09-01