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Identification of the Dominant Bacteria and Their Effects on Vase Life of Postharvest Cut Lilies(PDF)


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Identification of the Dominant Bacteria and Their Effects on Vase Life of Postharvest Cut Lilies
LI Hong-mei1LIU Chang-zhen1CHENG Min-ying1HUANG Xin-min1ZHOU Hou-gao2HE Sheng-gen1
1.College of Life Sciences,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510225;
2.College of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture,Zhongkai University of Agriculture and Engineering,Guangzhou,Guangdong 510225
Lilium longiflorumcut flowersbacteriavase lifewater uptake
S 681.5
Taking cut flowers of Lilium longiflorum ‘White Heaven’ as test material,the species of dominant bacteria were isolated and identified from postharvest cut lilies,and their effects on vase life were investigated.The results showed that two dominant bacteria(Pseudomonas sp.and Enterobacter sp.)were isolated from the stem ends of cut lilies,and another two dominant bacteria(Acinetobacter baumannii and Achromobacter xylosoxidans) were isolated from the vase water in which cut lilies were held.The individiual inclusion of different concentrations of above 4 dominant bacteria in vase water could decrease the water uptake from cut lily stem,accelerate the loss of fresh weight,and shorten the vase life at different levels.



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Last Update: 2014-08-30