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Effects of Overcast and Rainy on Stigma Receptivity and Pollen Viability on Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.(PDF)


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Effects of Overcast and Rainy on Stigma Receptivity and Pollen Viability on Eriobotrya japonica Lindl.
YANG Qin12FU Yan3WANG Yong-qing2DENG Qun-xian2LI Xing-yuan1TAO Lian2
1.College of Environmental and Life Science,Kaili University,Kaili,Guizhou 556000;
2.College of Horticulture,Sichuan Agricultural University,Ya’an,Sichuan 625014;
3.Qiandongnan Vocational and Technical College,Kaili,Guizhou 556000
rainfallEriobotrya japonica Lindl.stigma receptivitypollen viability
S 667.3
The effects of rainfall on stigma receptivity and pollen viability were studied with ‘Dawuxing’ loquat.The results showed that the stigma receptivity and pollen viability decreased with the rainfall lasted days,which should reduce pollination efficiency and had the negative effects on production of loquat.Moreover,the detection results of stigma receptivity showed that the ‘Dawuxing’ loquat had a longer flower receptivity period until 5 days after anthesis,and the stigma receptivity could be recover from negative effects of rainfall by a sunny day which could reduced the negative effects of rainfall on production in some degree.


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Last Update: 2014-08-28