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Factors Affecting Viability and Development of Isolated Microspore in Lilium(PDF)


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Factors Affecting Viability and Development of Isolated Microspore in Lilium
LI Jia1YUAN Su-xia1LIU Chun1TIAN Mei2YU Na-li13
1.Institute of Vegetables and Flowers,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beijing 100081;
2.Xingqing District,Yinchuan Agriculture and Animal Husbandry,Ningxia,Yinchuan 750001;
3.College of Landscape Gardens,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing,Jiangsu 210037
Liliummicrospore cultureviability of microsporepollen mother cellsmeiosis
S 682.2+9
To establish the culture system of isolated microspore in Lilium,the relationship between phenotypic traits of flower bud and the meiotic process,the effects of media and genotype on vitality and development of microspores were studied in one wild species and five cultivers of Lilium.The results showed that the buds size containing uninucleate stage microspores varied with the different genotypes.While microspores were at early and middle uninucleate stage,the anther color was light yellow and the pollen color was pale yellow.Compared with NLN and PG-96M medium,in FHG medium microspores maintained higher vitality rate in all genotypes,and microspores with two symmetrical nuclei have been observed in ‘Ceb Dazzle’.In addition,the frequency of abnormal meiotic of pollen mother cell was closely related with heterozygosity and microspore viability.For example,Lilium regale Wils and ‘Tresor’ with low abnormal meiotic rate could make viability of microspores high and declining slowly in microspore culture,whereas the variety ‘Robina’ with highly heterozygosity had higher abnormal meiotic rate and fast declined in microspore vitality.


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Last Update: 2014-08-25