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Cloning of the Squalene Synthase Gene 2 cDNA from Eleutherococcus senticosus and Analysis of Its Putative Protein Structure(PDF)


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Cloning of the Squalene Synthase Gene 2 cDNA from Eleutherococcus senticosus and Analysis of Its Putative Protein Structure
LONG Yue-hongXING Zhao-binLIANG Neng-songHE ShanLI Bao-caiZHU Jin-li
College of Life Science,Hebei United University,Tangshan,Hebei 063000
squalene synthase geneEleutherococcus senticosus RT-PCRRACE
S 75982
Full-length of Esenticosus squalene synthase gene 2 cDNA (GenBank number: JN714465) was cloned by RT-PCRand RACE methods.Sequence analysis revealed a 1 463 bp cNDA containing 10 bp 5′UTR,208 bp 3′UTR and 1 245bp ORF encoding 414 amino acids.The protein had one Trans_IPPS_HH conserved domain,two specificity target region of phytoene synthase and two thransmembrane helixs.Amino acids comparison showed that the consistence of the protain and SS in other Araliaceae plants was more than 90%.The consistence wrth E.senticosus SS1 was 9179%.


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Last Update: 2014-08-24